Doc Christensen

This show cases the art work of Doc Christensen.
Doc is most famous for his portrait of the prophets.
He also has work that you can place your missionary or child into the picture.
For a complete history of "The Portrait of the Prophets"
We are happy to carry Doc's Work. His work is also available on Amazon and eBay
Let us know if you are looking for a specific piece of art or have questions please reach out to us at if you want to contact Doc directly please go to
This website is not maintained or owned by Doc Christensen but we are the main distributor of his artwork.
Doc’s artistic passion is figure and portrait drawing and painting. With no formal education in art and illustration, his skills have been developed around his experience, personal study and what he calls "a set of God given talents." He began his avocation as a religious illustrator and portrait artist in the late 70s when he painted the "Portrait of the Prophets"; a depiction of all the presidents of the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints dressed is white suits and gathered in the Celestial Room of the Salt Lake Temple. In the past decade he has begun in earnest to establish himself as a religious illustrator with the goal of causing the viewers of his paintings to ponder in depth some of the important fundamentals of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As he continues to pursue his career as a manufacturing jeweler he is trying to free more time to dedicate to painting.
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