I was not aware of this until this morning, the Christmas devotionals for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints are all archived: (2009 - Present)
I have fond memories of curling up on the couch with my family and watching the devotional after fasting all day and having a big dinner. I love that they do it on fast Sunday. I love fast Sunday because I feel so good after making and renewing my commitment to Heavenly Father. There are so many blessings that come from fasting, thinking about Christ during Christmas and hearing the words of our church leaders. In the past the devotional was specifically The First Presidency. However during Thomas S. Monson's presidency that changed to include talks from different church leaders. To me it does not matter, who speaks because these talks are given for us at this time in our lives. Christmas is wonderful time to renew our commitment to serving others and being more Christlike. Christmas can soften even the most hardened heart.
What a wonderful time of year these next two months will be. Thanksgiving with all the wonderful blessings of sharing our gratitude with our families and have that be a kickoff to Christmas. Then right there on the first of December being able to hear the words of our church leaders, and then go and serve others. May we all serve and accept service this Christmas season.