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Be Tireless For the Lord

I was sitting here ready to write this blog post. I was really tired and ready to go to bed but I try to write something every night. When I realized that I forgot to schedule the building for a member of my ward. She had a large laundry list of dates she wanted me to schedule for her. The thought came to me that I am so eager to do this blog and build my own kingdom that I am not working on the kingdom of God. I was even going to just postpone doing that until tomorrow and just write this blog post instead. I decided to do my scheduling calling tonight first and have done so before I wrote this blog post. I know that by putting the Lord first he inspired me and gave me strength to do more even after a particularly long day.

The most important thing I can do is put the Lord first in my life and then he will make up the difference. I had a Grandpa who was a tireless defender of the faith and never was weary in well doing may we ever be so.

Image Source: RGB Stock

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